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Skriven 1991, en kväll då jag ville lämna livet... Min engelska var usel vid den tiden....

The road

Im walking at a road
It´s the road down to hell
My body feel so bored
Inside it feel so well

All i can think about you
Why have it all been so wrong
All i wisched that you loved me too
And that our love can shared a song

Im walking in a rainy night
I have tears on my cheek
The light around is shine so bright
My knees and body begin to feel weak

I think im on my way to the end
But im not feel scared
All i ever want was being more than a friend
Thanks for the time that we shared

Good bye my friend
This is the road to the end

Fri vers av Anna-Mia B
Läst 309 gånger
Publicerad 2012-08-18 22:00

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Anna-Mia B
Anna-Mia B