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The Power of Love

Vers 1: I've been in love
With many girls
But you're the
Sweetest of them all
So just lay down
And I will explain to you
You see it's because
My heart is yours
Please don't give it back to me
I'm standing right here
In front of your door
So just open your door and let me in
For a cup of coffe or tea
I promise you I will be quick
I'm just here to ask you
Do you love me or not
'Cause the question is killing me
I have to know...
What do you feel for me
I have to know

Refr: 'Cause my heart has been broken
In two by you
But I do hope it will be fixed someday
By you
But I do wonder
When does love hurts
When does emotions and feelings die
When will I find true love
When will I find someone that won't
Lie to me
When does love hurts
When does emotions and feelings die
When will I find true love
When will I find someone that won't
Lie to me

Vers 2: You've always wonderd why I love you
I told you time and time
That I don't know
I just know that
I love you
Isn't that enough for you
'Cause I'm no God
I'm no superman
I'm just a simple boy
Who can't understand
The power of love
It's too mighty for me
I will never be able to wiel it's power
The power of love
It's too mighty for me

Refr: 2x

Vers 3: This is who I am
Take it or leave it
I'm not gonna need it
This is the final journey
I'm ever gonna do
So do you wan't to come along
Or just leave me behind
On this trip
Ahead of us

Refr: 3x

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Niklas Hermansson
Läst 298 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-30 11:35

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Niklas Hermansson
Niklas Hermansson