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A lesson for us all?

Don´t drink alcohol
because you create a hole
A coldness over your beloved brain
who learns to spit out words like a bad loving rain

Who is the one who likes to listen to that alone
and talk back to a stone
Listen to shit who is same same
you are useless, you are a huge big shame

Try to not think, why it not can rain money
it´s not funny
You must learn
that the hardest thing to find

Is love who don´t love your money
a drunk friend who don´t buy alcohol for borrowed money
But when you know, don´t do more wrong
stop sing that sad song

Helping people is good
many people need food
But when they laugh to your kindness
must you run away, everything else is stupid ness

Fri vers (Fri form) av kjell-åke bearfoot VIP
Läst 215 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2019-08-07 23:41

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kjell-åke bearfoot VIP