![]() On the occasion of the murder of George Floyd, a black American, by a policeman, a white American, in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 STUPID WHITE MENWhen there were no immigrants they aimed their hostility to their countrymen those who were Jews, those who had a different faith.
They were born in Germany. They had the same language as other Germans. They had no country other than Germany. But they were murdered in the millions by their own compatriots.
When there were no immigrants they aimed their hostility to their countrymen those who were travelers, those who had a different ethnicity. They were born in Sweden. They had the same religion as Swedes. They had no other country than Sweden.
But they were isolated, castrated and harassed in tens of thousands by their own countrymen.
When there were no immigrants they aimed their hostility to their countrymen those who were gypsies, those who had a different ethnicity. They were born in Romania. They had the same religion as Romanians. They had no country other than Romania.
But they were treated like animals and they were murdered in hundreds of thousands by their own fellow countrymen.
When there were no immigrants they aimed their hostility towards their countrymen those who were black, those who had another socio-economic affiliation, They were born in the United States. They had the same religion as other Americans. They had no country other than America.
But they were exploited as slaves for years and when they were no longer needed, they were murdered in hundreds of thousands by their own fellow citizens.
But now there are immigrants to which one can target his hostitiliy towards. They have a different color. Another breed. Another religion. They come from another country.
What do you intend to do with them? Scapegoats? Or?
always find scapegoats.
These stupid white men!
© Samuel E. Rajeus, First published: December 13th, 2014
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(Modernistisk dikt)
Samuel E. Rajeus
![]() Läst 718 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer Publicerad 2020-06-01 22:19 ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() Samuel E. Rajeus ![]() |