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Rewrote another song to support Ukraine and To protest against the humanitarian Disaster No Politics here just human dignity...

Putin's on the Blitz

Putin's on the BLITZ

If you're Dumb, and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fascists hit? Putin's on the Blitz
Different types of guns a day coat, pants with stripes and cutaway throat
Perfect hits, putin's on the Blitz

Dressed up like a million-Ruble Invader
Trying hard to look like Josef Stalin (super-duper)
Come, let's mix where Dictators walk with sticks or umbrellas in their mitts
Putin's on the Blitz

Have you seen the victims-do, up and down Kiev Avenue?
On those famous ruins there with missiles in the air?
High lies and arrow collars, white spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime for a propaganda time

If you're dumb, and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fascists hit? Putin's on the Blitz
Different types of gun a day coat, pants with stripes and cutaway throat
Perfect hits, putin's on the Blitz

Dressed up like a million-Ruble Invader
Trying hard to look like Josef Stalin (super-duper)
Come, let's mix where Dictators walk with sticks or umbrellas in their mitts
Putin's on the Blitz

Dressed up like a million-Ruble Invader
Trying hard to look like Josef Stalin (super-duper)
If you're Dumb, and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fscists hit? Putin's on the Blitz, Putin's on the Blitz
Putin's on the Blitz, Putin's on the Blitz

Downtown, uptown, get your kills at the Blitz
Mine and swine, but not 'til nine, the time is right for us tonight
We gotta kill, kill to the lies
We can
Kill, kill to the lies, nice and easy
I want ya to remove
Putin is gone, Putin is gone
Putin is gone, Putin is gone
The B-L-I-T-Z
How 'bout you and me zest?
Gotta kill
Gotta kill
Gotta kill

adapted lyrics and song from
Irving Berling

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nikolai Jungsin VIP
Läst 286 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2022-03-14 09:00

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Nikolai Jungsin
Nikolai Jungsin VIP