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Two hearts

My heart is a mix of pain and desire 
All at the same time and because of you 
Please say you give us a fair chance 
Time will make our love burn like fire 

See in my eyes the truth of our destiny 
My spirit is dying everyday that pasts 
I stop breathing if you dont want me
Couse without you the air is so heavy

Can't stand the empty feeling anymore
So please say you feel the magic still 
That night you kissed me with passion
Never been kissed so genuine before

Say you dont run away and hide this time
Have the courage and listen to the sound
Of our heartbeats that becomes into one
Like I breath in your breath and you mine

We derserve hapiness and true love
I know that I have found that in you
I hope you can feel the same for me
The truth is written in the stars above 

Bunden vers (Rim) av Kaffedivan VIP
Läst 112 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2022-07-14 17:22

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Kaffedivan VIP