Solve et Coagula
As the earth trembles like the sound of a thousand hoofs
When the skies rupture of a thousand storms
The core terrified of experiencing yet another dawn
The splendour, the nature and the roar
The yearning, the betrothal and the pain
Lo and behold for this sight will be see never again
Coveting a shelter from venomous rain ahead
Yet feeling contempt with soaking in the blisters
But fear naught for all the roads led you here
A self-imposed purgatory
A cleansing of what once was
For I have suffered through a hundred deaths
For I have been illuminated by a hundred births
Heed thus the fanfare of triumph
Heed thus the horns of conquest
Child, thy path is ablaze anew
Child, thy path is reconciled
As it was written in the celestial night sky
As it was written in the rivers of mortal flesh
Iacta alea est