ba ba ba boom
Close your eyes
Cover your ears
The blast will come
Come to your home
No knock on the door
You crawl on the floor
Dust in your nose
Heart in your throat
Beating like crazy
Everything's hazy
Nothing makes sense
You feel the suspense
Hide under your bed
Don't look at the dead
Pray that you instead
Survive the ba ba ba boom
(ba ba ba boom)
(da da da doom)
See the flowers that bloom?
They grow from the ash
It's easy to burn and to smash
Something fragile and pure
And isn't that what we do?
Break what we hate
Take what we want
No matter the cost
Life is a currency
Paid by bullets that fly
Fly fast in the sky
Hunker down
Get out of sight
Lower your head
Don't look ahead
Bodies litter the ground
Grenades fall all around
Windows shatter and cut
Through flesh and bone
Enemies kill, they don't care
War is what they declare
Innocents suffer and die
Without ever knowing why
You see it do you not?
Careful, else you'll get shot
Pray that you're not caught
Inside the ba ba ba boom
(ba ba ba boom)
(da da da doom)
See the lives that were stolen?
You killed them out of spite
It's easy to destroy and to fight
Someone loved or loathed
And isn't that what we do?
Break what we hate
Take what we want
No matter the cost
Life is a currency
Paid by authority
There's no autonomy
Examine the map
Move the pawn up front
The war has just begun
It's all fun and games
Till the battle turns
And the piece burns
To ashes in your hand
Sacrifices has to be made
You tell yourself at night
How comforting it is to be right
Knowing that you hold the power
Never need you be the one to cower
Under the bed and beg for salvation
It's for the country, our nation
But you raze a civilization
With the ba ba ba boom
(ba ba ba boom)
(da da da doom)
See the numbers that tell?
Civilians and soldiers who fell
It's easy to analyze and to decide
Those who live and those who die
And isn't that what we do?
Acting like the Almighty
Fools usurping His throne
No matter the price
Life is but a moment
When compared to
Time and eternity