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Nobel Peace Prize 2022 Volodymyr Zelenskyi or Greta Thunberg

 Zelensky is a comedian, in half a year he made the Russian army the laughingstock of the whole planet, while Greta is the girl whom the whole planet loves and sees as the true symbol of peace and a normal life, in the bosom of nature. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is considered the favorite for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022. but in a few days, the UN will translate the words of the media into living in the Annex and good diplomatic conversation does not mean a bicycle with a trunk lid attached... There are other countries with white areas, which can be liquidated after the period of use of the contract, says the UN, no country is its own under its own swirling water or induced or seduced by international corporate contracts, the swamps of Sweden and Finland are the most discussed and interesting for NATO: s existence. Volodymyr Zelenskyy declares "impossible" to negotiate with Putin: "We are willing to hold a dialogue, but with another president" "#while the Tsar and President Putin are elected by the will of the people said all the time to recognize the diplomatic protocols and the sphere of honor and we give Russia the honor to have a diplomatic discussion not in a compartment and in a corridor and a urinal between the two of them, so with - would have liked Zelenski... Romanians' mouths say things with names and I can't translate the bullshit of dialogues on FB of these several testosterone males who stalk the world… Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday signed a decree officially declaring as "impossible" the possibility of any negotiations between Kyiv and the Kremlin's leader, Vladimir Putin, but leaving the door open for talks with Russia over a gangster shmen drink but not for long as his rival Putin and the three like them have not been liquidated. What else can one understand as a political commentator or an ordinary person who struggles with food on the table and from the plate, with the dishes and dishes to lick on the table and turn off the light and the heat and the water from the toilet and the shower for two in the cabin, we who have neither an interest in reclaiming land with false documents and territory stolen from Romanians and Poles! retrocession" left to the currency exchange. The decree formalizes comments made by Zelensky on Friday after the Russian president declared four occupied Ukrainian regions part of Russia, in what Kyiv and the West said was an illegal joke, Reuters reported. - He (Putin)" does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are willing to hold a dialogue with Russia, but with another Russian president, Zelenskyi said on Friday. Ukrainian forces have broken through Russian defenses in southern Ukraine and expanded a rapid offensive in the east, retaking territory in areas annexed by Russia after the February invasion. Putin, who turns 70 this week, Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad, he has dominated Russian political life for more than two decades and, based on constitutional reforms passed during his presidency, can run for two more terms and may remain in power until 2036. In a neutral, impartial dialogue, the question arises: If we continue to burn it into history…I ask you something: Which nation has done Romania the most damage in the last 70 years, let's say?? You care??? It means that he Zelinski is the head of Europe, and the nine Europeans are not very good, so we barely waited for a third of the world's goods... it's a shame we didn't learn anything from history. Zelensly is a robot, this actress is too spoiled, she allows herself a lot, if they want to kill each other, they have no choice but to do it. Romania and the EU don't need to get involved, they got help, received from us ok, but they don't need to get weapons, they should all leave Ukraine and go where they want, and that way everything will be stopped. ... The entire world economy was turned upside down because of the madman who destroyed himself and his country. Who wants to live there in the future? where the children of the minorities and everyone's children but their own are a commodity. "Everything" for rhythm! paying now,, for for, why (make love not war): "the world is played for cock pranks." Or in other words: "million people can die until they change Putin" the only candidate for the Nobel Prize for rhythm Halal! Zelensly? A circus, you can see from afar that it is just a puppet, of the Americans, of these satanists, a cheap theater. In Zelensky's mind, the moon in the sky is on Ukraine's side. He probably received the territories of other mongo dowry loop, for life bombers A little dictator, all that speaks and he thinks is Russian Russian's "could be Stalin or Lenin!" A great man, a great actor, plays in the theater. A bastard of America, a wretch. Hero? You are a parrot! "Zelinski is a dead rat.

Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 73 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2022-10-05 13:58

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  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Människor är drogade och inser inte att respekt för sig själva och sina nära och kära ger fred i världen. När jag ser hur Putin låter sig vilseledas av alla vill jag berätta detta för honom. men jag vet att dessa ord inte skulle nå honom. Med en ukrainare som en militär befälhavare som för 8 månader sedan gick in i North Irand -vattnet med soldaterna och sedan återvände till vägen för att göra en liten självundersökning om Ukraina, som utropade brutalt, ser du ingen infantil gest i detta avseende?
Jag har alltid intrycket att någon spelar på Monopol Playboard...

Det är inte Ryssland som har 800 militära stationer i hela världen för att både hota och övervaka andra länder, utan det har USA. Ryska militära stationer på främmande territorium ligger under siffran 10 till antalet. Det är inte ryska trupper och raketer som står vid USA:s gränser till Kanada och Mexiko, utan det är USA trupper och deras raketer står också med NATO vid Rysslands västgräns. NÄR skall Europa inse detta och droppa den till vansinne ensidigt fientliga inställningen till Ryssland?

  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP