Life is a moving experience
I move the pen across these pages,
you move your thoughts from a whim to a war,
we move our food from the plate to the mouth
to our bowels
to the toilet,
flush it out
- and your taxes move it on
to the sewage treatment plant
You raise your glass, tilting it,
moving the water through your oral cavity,
to your bladder
and on out into the wider world of thermodynamics
where the rainclouds amass,
dripping it into your hair
You move your semen and its swarms of sperm
out through your male agenda
into the female docking port,
the baby moving out of the womb,
emitting a scream that moves through the air
When you're dead,
decomposition performs a kind of bacterial compost motion,
and whether you're grounded
in a traditional Western behaviour
or going up in smoke on the banks of the Ganges,
the energy of you is transferred into the world
where nothing is put to waste,
moving on for ever and ever
as the choir has it in Georg Friedrich Händel's Messiah!