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Bob Marley - "The most cowardly man is the one who wins a woman's love without intending to love her"
The bravest heart.In the intricate dance of love he advances, A paradox of courage and disguise. The bravest heart, they say, is he, Who wins a woman's love, yet remains free. He weaves a web of tender words, Captures her heart like a song of birds. But deep down his intentions lie, A kept secret, a silent goodbye. He kisses her lips, tastes the sweet, Yet love never commits to being complete. His touch kindles flames, the fire of passion, Yet he remains aloof, a wandering desire. For he fears the bonds that love can give, The vulnerability, the binding string. So he dances on the edge of her soul, A fickle lover, both hot and cold. But oh, the irony of this brave facade, For true courage lies in love without fault. To risk everything, to jump without a net, That, my friend, is the bravest bet. So let us not praise the feeble-minded game, Where love wins without love's flame. Honor instead those who dare to dive, To love fiercely, completely and truly alive.
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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
![]() Läst 50 gånger Publicerad 2024-04-19 15:26 ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() Jeflea Norma, Diana. ![]()
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