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To Helge

Making love

I would like to make love
The way I never did before
With my soul
And not just my flesh
With my clothes on
And still undressed

With feelings unrelieved
That will relieve
And give that total relief
Of emtying your soul
Into you
Into the cold

Emptyness as I see it
Leaves nothing to disguise
Nothing to hide
Now that I stride

I take my command
Of what I desire
And nothing is higher
Than letting you read
The story of my lead

Take it
Or leave it
And leve me alone
Aloof I'll be
Far from your heart
Even from start

Tell me your stories
Tell your grief
Make me part of your glories
Not being a thief

Stealing my wishes
My dreams
And my future
It seems
Kisses is all I can wish

Eternal is my goal
So if you desire my soul
Let your soul leap into mine
Let our souls be twined

Otherwise let me go

Bunden vers av Jeanne-Marie VIP
Läst 53 gånger
Publicerad 2024-04-22 11:05

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Jeanne-Marie VIP