As for ad-blocking blocking. This is happening everywhere, at least in Europe. On Facebook, which since recently said on the registration page "will always be free", you have to pay to remove ads (160kr / 16$ per month for instagram as well, you can't choose that away). But people are mentioning that even when paying they still get ads.
There's also basically infomercials in the stream now. "Interesting things about the world", like how Bill Gates has a life-time gold card for McDonald's. Why would I want to know that? They are often very amateurishly written or even auto-translated from Chinese. Sometimes it's more ads / infomercials than people's posts in the stream when you scroll.
Another thing which has started lately is personal ads from rich Chinese women. I have tried chatting to a few, but almost anything pisses them off. They can't grasp complex concepts either, which makes me think they are bots, but I presume theyre just incredibly stupid.
The worst thing though is pornspambot friend requests. A month ago it was 1 request per week, Now it's several per day. I had actually accidentally added one years ago and didnt realize it, as they show up in the "do you know these people?", even with 0 mutual friends. What happens then, is they spam you constantly all day long, with a link to a random dating site. So I just figured I'd ignore messenger notifications. Bad idea. Last december my ex-wife contacted me there on a new account, I saw the message 33 weeks later. Anyway, ever since she left me I haven't used facebook a lot, and i didnt even bother removing people, as i was just tired of it. Turns out, she removed her account, with one last message a month ago: "Forget me Tomas, it's over, you don't owe anything".
As for youtube ads, it's nasty. I have gotten ads that were an hour long. I was listening to a healing frequency in my sleep, when i woke up, the ad had been running for 30 minutes. Others have mentioned theyve gotten whole movies as ads.
When you get ads is randomized too. Sometimes after a minute before the last one. As it was just a 5 minute music video, it just doesnt make it fun using youtube anymore.
Pirate software / websites now plainly download the videos from the main servers. I dont know how they do it, its clever though.
TV4 (swedish semi-public service channel) actually got sued by a film-maker for ads in his movies (Lasse Åberg). Dont know how it ended. It is really the worst channel there is, their programming is a bold lie. If a movie is to start at 21:00 it starts 1-5 minutes later. They even have ads (and sponsors) between news and weather. Nowadays, they push ads exactly when something exciting happens in a movie. By the way, pirating software / websites actually download the movies from the official servers nowadays. Gotta say theyre clever.
As for google, something happened awhile ago, which just shows how corrupt they have become. I searched for something I was going to buy, and was to click on the "shopping" tab, but they had removed it? Just more sponsored ads at the top and right now. The next day, they had a new tab called "products". Gone are sorting by price / genre etc. Now you have to dedicately go to to the find the old feature. It still isnt complete though, i searched there for a slam poets books, and only got similar names in results. Using google directly showed his books at the top though, strange...
I wasn't going to post this, since I know I'll be downvoted / trolled for it. But I get downvoted for basically anything. And now you have to provide "as much information as possible" to get a new account? I guess this is my last post ever.
YouTube makes money with spyware. They sell your deep data profile for $BTC, every single action is thoroughly documented. Mouse-cursor movement, everything you type, the ambience of your room, eye / face movement (if you have a smartphone / webcam / microphone), gives like $0.00000001 per second. The real definition of "micro-transactions". I read it in a common newspaper years ago. Strangely enough, there's no documentation about it online. The truther community isn't talking about it either.
Ever wonder how they figure out the graph over the search bar with "most played sections"? It is based on the average viewer's emotional response, acquired from the corona nanochip. This can easily be seen in shock videos with "wow factors". Music videos only have a rise in the beginning, then it's a flat line. People nowadays can experience the entire content in 5 seconds via clairvoyance.
And if you think you're exempt from the spyware, you are naive. There was news some years ago on Slashdot, about how an anonymous chess-player identification project could be used to find anyone's presence online, by analyzing their personality based on how they write. Your deep data profile is probably being traded on the dark net if you're of any notoriety / fame.
For your writing, it's megabytes. For your photos, it's gigabytes. For your webcam / microphone, it's terabytes - it's used 100% of the time, as soon as you turn on the computer, and is what is used for CAPTCHAs to work (automatic ones at least, such as what Cloudflare uses). If you put black tape on your mic / cam, they will no longer pass. For your bodily data, it's petabytes (sent via Bluetooth to the closest receiver).
If you think you can "delete" data online, think again. The greatest routers in the world have security offices right next to them. They have everything ever uploaded / written on the internet since it was called DARPA NET. Way more than the Wayback Machine will ever acquire. It's what they use to feed LLMs data.
Even the Opera browser admits it. If you turn off cookies / trackers, they will still collect just as much data from you; they'll just pretend they don't.