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Det är bra att lägga ner sin själ i det man gör. Men hur funkar det om man vill ha den tillbaka?

Dark Alchemy

Spirit moved,
and you made gold
out of the dregs,
the stones of lead
within your soul
but what you made,
this gem of gold
you could not sell it
how it was made,
you could not tell it
the secret,
like the gold itself
was for only
you to bear
you tried to run
away, in vain
you tried to break
that golden chain
it would not
come undone
you could not bruise it
could not split it
after all, it had
you in it
game and gamble,
this you tried
but none would win it
neither could you
give it
where, then
will you turn
if the only way
to save your soul
will be to lose it?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 32 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-08-05 13:33

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