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Obscured By Clouds


There is nothing I want to say too loud

Have you heard the Pink Floyd sound

Obscured By Clouds the name of the album

Nick Mason was probably proud how much they sold of them

"Are these Syd's problems" according to Mason were Syd's words

When they tried to get him through the door to a psychiatry ward

Syd Barrett was the lunatic genius who went into recluse and died two-thousand-six

I bet his sister didn't know if he was up to his tricks, but I think I know

In his later days, she asked him "Have you ever thought about god?"

Syd would be quoted as answering " It never struck me "

E v e r y b o d y   thinks about god

And people have called this author odd, but Syd was more odd

And it is my firm belief he found god on his acid trips

My self-fulfilling-prophecy of divine experiences in transcendental meditation

Leaves me perhaps biased to this

The album Obscured By Clouds is almost bliss

Because I'm putting together something half-way decent

And writing more I will relent

Obscured By Clouds

Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Page Goldenboy VIP
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Publicerad 2024-08-10 22:09

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