And my soul spoke that day
Not enough coffee Not a cause I think we were going steady Because We had quiet moments together Have you ever seen the movie Pulp Fiction? Robin thought it was terrible, Anyways they talk about a moment of comfortable silence Or five minutes or ten minutes or something like that And it reminds me of the movie Traffic Why do we find it necessary to fill our conversations with bullshit all the time Well because that is how the world works And it doesn't work The devil is having a good day God has taken vacation a while But will be back in style Is that girl mine, HARDLY SADLY, no not sadly, I feel - nothing And that is the way it is supposed to be I have worked through you As you see me Expose my soul on this day Are you kidding, THIS IS NOTHING I have left it totally naked before Even said ask any question and I will give you an honest answer If I trust you And my soul spoke that day
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Page Goldenboy
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