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strömavbrott – läste hälften av REAL BOOK ABOUT SYD BARRETT


So in modern times. It happens sometimes. There is a power outage (strömavbrott). This has been going on for a few hours. The REAL BOOK about SYD BARRETT I recently picked up – started reading it. It is circa 75 pages. Read circa HALF of it. Boring. Repetitive. Maybe that is how they make all books nowadays, so everyone that has a flashy ‘’A.D.H.D./A.D.D.’’ can keep up with the information. I went by star reviews and which author looked the most professional. I didn’t learn a thing basically. In right conditions, I would rather be playing my PlayStation (video games) than reading a book. Not that reading can’t be a hobby. But it isn’t. Maybe I should have picked up another book on Syd Barrett but I got A KEEEEEN eye and can sniff out bullshit. So this book was probably the closest I could come to any truth about him. For anybody interested- I would recommend the DVD The Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett Story.
And hopefully the power (el) comes back on soon.

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Publicerad 2024-09-04 20:12

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