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I am absolutely am for a big YES to slurping the elegance of the LGBTQ movement.

LGBTQ movement will be abolished.


- Takeing advantige  from Oussy and penis and putting words to toughness for poetry-politics-passion-penis-pizda, pest of the people on the planet! In the meantime, many people are luxuri happy if they have a clean shirt and trousers.

And not saying that out of jealousy of their lifestyle as a non-gay woman! just because they clearly mark normal people, financially and emotionally who don't have a gay disorder it's bad to go dating as a normal person when you're gay or bisexual, and then hapend in afekt are killd the viktim,
In no country do politicians and normal people break how humanity regulates its hormones in 2024 but that should be a private matter but it is a security risk in politics and domestic dens and the essence of being a traditional person ie. man and woman in want and lust!

Now that the word private has been removed from the lexicon, sex toys are wrapped around children's cuddly dicks and bullying for brands has entered deep into children's school age. Kids take on assassination missions for a pair of designer shoes or a jacket.
Sequins and glitter have run out in Europe's factories, it is said that subcardic factories are opening in Ukraine, made with hostages.
In India, glitter and textiles are woven in ateliers with slaves in second-generation Indian families who could not free themselves from debt.
But Indian women and Roma who tolerate such a marriage demand gold from their husbands as a reward for the marriage well kept secret that the man is bisexual or homosexual so "Indian women household soul association" keeps the largest amount of gold in the whole world 11% because she knows to the weight of an accessory in human form, i.e. "wife" or "useful maids"
Then said public business, support is a protection against fraud and security risks.


Rescheduling of the aid threatens the lgbtqi movement/debate/Experessen

Threats to the LGBTQI movement: The authors warn that the realignment of aid could threaten the LGBTQI movement globally, especially in countries where persecution is greatest.
The role of civil society: Civil society has built invaluable networks and trust that are difficult to replace from a government office.
Risks of Restructuring: Restructuring can lead to short-termism and the loss of local expertise that is critical to tackling corruption and supporting human rights.

Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 24 gånger
Publicerad 2024-09-08 08:44

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP