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I asked mama Sweden AI what is kratom?

 Vad är Kratom? Effekt, Dosering, Biverkningar, Legalitet 2024 (sumpansgodis.se)

Läkare om växtdrogerna: Ungdomar som fastnat (msn.com)



- what Last year, 41 tons of kratom were legally imported into Sweden because the plant itself is not classified as a narcotic. Kratom is sold openly online and in stores.

Kratom in low doses produces mild stimulant and euphoric effects – according to Figueroa Sepulveda “high-jacket-like symptoms” – and in higher doses opiod-like effects.
Kratom is a plant that comes from a tropical tree called Mitragyna speciosa, which grows in Southeast Asia. The leaves from this tree are often used for their psychoactive properties. Traditionally, kratom has been used in Southeast Asian medicine as an alternative to opium.

The leaves can be chewed fresh or dried, brewed into tea, or processed into powders and capsules. The effects of kratom vary depending on the dose: low doses can produce an invigorating effect, while higher doses can have a calming and pain-relieving effect.

Övriga genrer (Kåseri) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 49 gånger
Publicerad 2024-09-08 09:57

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP