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I wish upon a dream

I wish upon a dream
Things could be different
sometimes i want to scream

How the hell do i make a difference
in This crazy world of greed
I Have no answers i Have more questions

If i went to achieve dreams to succeed
then i would and could be glad
planting trees and my seed

For What tomorrow has don’t be sad
Together we Can make a new world
It is better than What was in the past

I wish i had that special girl
I wish upon a dream

Sunrise come sunset go
All is gone by tomorrow
What we Have What we loose
once a bottle of some booz
time is full of sorrow

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Cyrus Alexei
Läst 20 gånger
Publicerad 2024-09-20 20:56

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Cyrus Alexei
Cyrus Alexei