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Everyone needs someone to love

Everyone needs someone to love
Sacred is the heart that is with god
i Will return like the white dove

To where we stand before the flood
Keeping the rainbow in our hearts
from the garden down to the mudd

Make me a painting of fine arts
and i Will give my opinion
like a Womans private parts

Drink and sink into oblivion
fantasizing of her sexy butt
but not of a regular civilian

That’s so hot
Everyone needs someone to love

She is Gorgeous fine arts
He wants to Discover her private parts
So together they make love
They fly up like the birds above
And all is well as from start
( as we are created to create )

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Cyrus Alexei
Läst 20 gånger
Publicerad 2024-09-20 21:35

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Cyrus Alexei
Cyrus Alexei