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All I wish
Is peace of mind
Feeling the wind blows
Between my toes some sand

Watching a beautiful scenary
Just being nature and me
Smiling at a stranger making her day
Smelling the wonder of sea breeze or hay

Being able to love without being loved
In the winter feeling warm and glowed
Touching with my hands both grass and leaves
Feeling the sorrow when loved ones leaves

Knowing that sorrow and lost
Means I payed the cost
Of loving and loving craving for love
Sometimes I only get it back from above

Knowing I have a purpose living this life
Knowing I can be loved and be someones wife
Knowing love is forever and forever more
Knowing infinity no ends no shore

Endlessness of love and time
This mortal life is mine
Mine to spend and do my best
Before I put my soul to rest

I know heaven I know hell
I know how to suffering spell
But we need opposites to understand
That God is with us with loving hands

I am grateful for just being me
To be able to walk, smell, hear and see
To be able to feel and taste life
To feel hardship and strife

I am grateful that I can love and feel loss
That I wont take anything for granted
That I can see I really got what I wanted
That I am willing to carry the cross

The best moments of life I have or had
The loss of it is what makes me sad
I enjoy loving and making love
I enjoy praying feeling Gods love from above
I enjoy cuddling caressing my pets
I enjoy living without debts
I enjoy freedom and nature and peace
I enjoy when trials ends and cease
I enjoy living with music that fills me with joy
I enjoy seing my girls and boys
I enjoy my motherhood
I enjoy walking through the woods
I enjoy smelling the air and every flower
I enjoy feeling I have the strenght and power
I enjoy playing music and using my voice
I enjoy knowing I had the choice
I enjoy seeing the joy of others
I enjoy seing children and their mothers
I enjoy having loved my father
I enjoy knowing I can love him further and forever more
I know loving can be my essence and my core

So, I smile at my neighbor
Wishing him the best
Take a walk with my dog
Before I lay myself to rest
Listen to some jazz or a classical tune
Enjoying all seasons my birthday in June
Living in harmony with my faith
Accepting my life and fate
Always trying to be grateful for what life will give
Always be grateful for the life I live

And I do enjoy a walk by the sea
Just loving the infinite eternal sea and son
Just hearing the music of waves
Resurected, leaving the caves
That is the core of me
That is the cross to be

Bunden vers av Jeanne-Marie VIP
Läst 33 gånger
Publicerad 2024-09-21 09:47

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Jeanne-Marie VIP