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So what is love?

I read this other day
A post that made me sad
I must say

A woman complained about her man.
He was short, bald, skinny
And had a small penis.

Why did she ever marry him?
For some, I guess, marriage is more important than to whom.

My father was short. He was easily kissed.
My father was bald, but utterly handsome.
Maybe skinny, yes I guess he was.

I adored my father. He knew everything.
I admired my father. He was good at math.
But most of all I loved my father. He was my everything.

My father was kind, caring, honest and romantic. I never forget him holding me tight, telling me the name of each star.
I still don't remember the name of a single star, but when I look up in the sky at nights and watch the stars I remember when he hold me.

I read this other day
A post that made me sad
I must say

So what is love?

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Jeanne-Marie VIP
Läst 51 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-09-22 13:52

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Jeanne-Marie VIP