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Who I am

Darkness falls upon the land
As the moon rises from the sand
A chill wind howls through the trees
Whispering secrets from the breeze

The sky turns black as the night
As stars twinkle with delight
The world is quiet still and cold
As the darkness takes a hold

As the shadows dance upon the walls
As the nights creatures starts to call
The bats and owls take to the sky
As the darkness start to multiply

The graves and tombstones come alive
As the undead start to thrive
The ghosts and ghouls roam free
As the darkness take over me

I am one with the night
As I embrace the darkness with all my might
I am a creature of the dark
As I leave my mark
The night is my home
As I roam and roam
I am me through and through
As I embrace the darkness and all that's true

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av MissBraw
Läst 45 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-09-23 22:16

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