The story of the Queen of Darkness
In the darkness of the night
Amidst the shadows and the fright
A dark beauty roams the land
With roses clutched in her hand
Her long dark hair flows in the breeze
As she wanders through the ancient trees
The moonlight casts a haunting glow
As se sings a melody so low
The castle looms up in the distance
Its walls a testament to resistance
Against the ghosts that haunt its halls
And the secrets that stills recalls
But the dark beauty is not afraid
As she approaches the castles gate
Her roses wilt her eyes grow bright
As she steps into the castles gate
The ghosts appear the voices low
But the dark beauty does not go
She stands her ground with her eyes aglow
And the ghosts retreat their power low
The castles secret are now hers
As she explorers its hidden curves
And in the darkness of the night
She dances with the ghosts in sight
The dead beauty never leaves
The castles walls her heart believes
Though the ghosts still roam the halls
She finds her peace amidst it all