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reasoning and feeling


so i have been trying a new mantra

the dualism

yin and yang

reasoning and feeling

it is like self-growth

because i have a heck of a temper

trying to self-help me to reasoning and feeling

it gets jumbled with ''logic/reasoning'' and ''emotion/feeling''

but the mantra i try to do is reasoning and feeling

the roma inter game is not going too good

reasoning and feeling

tame my own tiger

i mean my temper

and anxiety-reductant

the reasoning and feeling mantra

gotta work on it

real-stressful times

tough especially to do it then.....

well phish just broke into no quarter by led zepellin

feeling took over

and reasoning and feeling

and maybe roma inter will have three or more goals at the end

Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Page Goldenboy VIP
Läst 39 gånger
Publicerad 2024-10-20 21:40

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