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It is a beautiful and emotional text for the Christmas table.

Do you now understand why strong women cry?

Do you now understand why strong women cry? For they stand by and soothe all others, But none exists as their worries sound, Only tears can their souls wander.

When the soul can no longer bear, Other people's burdens, their own pain, Don't be fooled by the surface, dear, Strong women also have a heart.

They need love, support and understanding, Even if they suffer quietly and quietly, They want to see that their endeavor pays off.

A simple hug at the right time, Can show that their toil is slipping, To something great, a path of love.

Bunden vers (Sonett) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 27 gånger
Publicerad 2024-11-07 12:04

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP