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There will be another.

There will be another day
so much better than before
when your words will find another way
and tears will be no more

And all the things you've dreaded
and all those things you saw;
you'll embrace them like a loving child
that begs them to adore you

And you will pray:
God, let all things be settled,
be still and hurt no more!

Like falling from the Mothership,
like parting from the core,
you make yourself believe again
just like passing through a door

By now I think they know you,
I really think they do;

how you let them find your grace
and how they lost it too
like a snow flake on the water,
the kind that falls too soon;

like kisses in a summer's rain,
like colours in the noon
that passes all too soon
such as flowers in the moon light

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Botox VIP
Läst 36 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-11-09 12:49

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