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I will see you soon

The sun's going down

I'm watching it fade

Like a broken reflection

Through rose colored glass

The good days have passed

Into pictures you keep

On the living room's bookshelves

On the bedroom's nightstand

They remind you of someplace

Like dreams you once had

I remember it now

You were waiting to come find you

Beneath the hollow oak

How could I forget

The smile on your face

The love you gave me

Was all that I had

For a long time you were

A light not undimmed

By heartbreak and pain

A star shining brightly

My companion and friend

Something I never thought I'd need

But you surprised me again

And every day after that

I found myself wishing

That this peace would last

Yet life kept on spinning

On the wheel of time

Then one day I woke up

And you were no more

Than a memory fading

But I still have to tell you

I love you

I love you


I'll visit you soon

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Eros Elton VIP
Läst 37 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-11-21 22:04

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