The police-embassies must do better in the migration taskMinister of Migration Johan Forssell (M) TT The police and embassies must do better at informing the Swedish Migration Agency about refugees and others with protection status in Sweden traveling to their home countries. Such information may lead to the residence permit being revoked. The government decided on Thursday to give the authorities tasks to improve the transfer of information by creating new routines. The assignment must be completed by July 1, 2025 at the latest. If you have asylum due to fleeing from a country, then it is strange if you travel back to that country. Then you could conclude that you no longer have reasons for protection, or that you have not entered the correct information from the beginning, says Migration Minister Johan Forssell (M). However, he points out that special reasons are required to revoke a residence permit after four years have passed since protection status was granted. I would like to advise those who are labor force also members of other states and do not have a country resident for a long time such as Ukrainians, Skylankas, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Thais, Chinese, Moldavians, Colombians, Somalia, do not dare to go back and share with instructions on account settlement visits for third countries. Millions of Africans are forced to enter Europe and must close the borders even to Europeans who now enjoy EU status anyway. -As an EU citizen, you have the right to work, study or live in Sweden without having to apply for a residence permit. You also have the right to start and run your own business. This right is called right of residence and applies as long as you meet certain conditions, such as having sufficient means to support yourself and having comprehensive health insurance. EU citizens also have the right to vote in elections to the European Parliament and municipal elections in the country where they live, on the same terms as the country's own citizens. In addition, they have the right to travel freely within the EU and have access to the same social benefits as the country's own citizens. SD says that it is enough to have as many Swedes in the country as fit through the framework of their politics, because AI is tolerant but not humanely programmed! It appears that the government has decided to improve the transfer of information between the police, embassies and the Swedish Migration Agency in order to better monitor whether refugees and others with protection status in Sweden are traveling back to their home countries. This information can lead to the residence permit being revoked if it turns out that the reasons for protection are no longer valid. Migration Minister Johan Forssell (M) points out that it is strange if someone who has been granted asylum because they fled a country, travels back to that country. This may indicate that the person no longer has grounds for protection or that incorrect information was provided in the first place. The government has tasked the authorities with creating new routines to improve information transfer, and this task must be completed by 1 July 2025.
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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Läst 21 gånger Publicerad 2024-12-05 14:01 |
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