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Emotional safetyEmotional safety is indeed a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. When someone feels truly respected and valued, it creates a space where they can thrive and glow from within. When a man is gentle, soft, and consistently respects you, that's when your nervous system starts healing. That's why some women have that special glow when they're being loved right in a relationship. It's not the love itself, it's the emotional safety.
In gentle whispers and soft caress, A love that heals, a heart at rest. Respect that flows like a gentle stream, In this safe haven, we dare to dream. Not just the love, but the peace it brings, A glow that shines, like angel wings. In the warmth of trust, we find our place, A sanctuary, a loving embrace.
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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Läst 15 gånger Publicerad 2024-12-08 07:38 |
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