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She’s bad hurt
But still feelin’ happy
She’s lost the world
Down in her throat

Hair down to her breast
Her future’s all in a mess
Her optic eyes are torn
She’s dead before she’s reborn

She walks the streets of N.Y.
She talks to the sky so high
She’s runnin’ out of time
And drownin’ in her own lies

The man on the roof
Shot her cool
Prayed to the moon
To carry her soon
Swim in your blood, baby
Swim in your blood, little darlin’

Take your sad pills and fly above
The rainbow tells the truth
To escape there is no use

Fri vers av Aster Isk
Läst 37 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2025-01-21 07:57

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Aster Isk
Aster Isk