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I played me some blues the other day just to while away and say long live the spirit of poet bay

Talking Poetbay Blues by M.A.Meddings

Just the other day I got me some news
Caused me to sing the Poetbay blues
Something about
Being neglected
Fallin’ apart it’s understood
Like there’s no admin
Nobody cares
That Laissez Faire

And I got this text from a guy named Rik
Ably helped by the Canuck Chic
Isabelle her name
A sort of helpful dame
Pretty smile too
Says Hero never mind the past
Come and join the Poetbay rats
We’re a sort of break away group
Rebellion is in the air
We will show them Laissez Faire

So I followed the piper Jericho
A really helpful dude you know
Kinda led the way from Poetbay
To the new ship
Poeter dot se
Come on over
Wait and see
Just how it goes you never know
It might be fun

Then on Sunday evening all forlorn
I joined the band from a Swedish morn
And got th lady along the way
Please come and stay
Right up close to me baby
Lots of friends there
Wait and see
Sort of cuddly like

So the very next day we’d done the task
Of translating Swedish
So we didn’t ask
Too many of them stupid questions
Like where do you sign up
Oh I see Bli Medlem
Love unto thee
Its really easy once you know
But where did my latest poem go
Of course I know in the general slot
Where at least no one can
understand it
Puss och Kram

And the day after that I got my case packed
Threw my laptop on my back
Caught my self a Swedish train
To search the world for my share of fame
But I aint found non
Just nubile blondes, Scandinavian chics
A brunette or two
And of cause you
My Yankee beauty
And as they say
Who needs another when there’s
The Rose of Albany

Fri vers av lastromantichero
Läst 317 gånger
Publicerad 2007-11-20 06:27

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Excellent! And just as a little note, most of the swedish girls aren\'t blonde at all..... blue-eyed brunettes are more common over all.... :)
Nice text here and very welcome to Poeter.se

  Kathy Lockhart
What a brilliant creation! Now just come on over here and talk that blues to me while you play your guitar and let me swoon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb
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