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hearts break, voices break, promises break.

aching breaking (healing)

clouds are out all milky white and they cover the sky and the sun and all the blue and yellow and in-between. i breathe and i hope that maybe one day i will see you once more; one time i'll speak to you and laugh and show my teeth and do stuff i usually wouldn't. because with you i've been through more than i have with anyone else; you are you and I am me and together we're something i can't even put a correct name on. we're like sky and sea; melting together in the end. walking a long, long way before we both collide and become something more, something much bigger than anything else in the world. together we are one and it's scary to think of because earlier we've been two seperate beings; not sure about how the world works, with limbs adolscence shape and voices that break. i've had hair blonder than anything else and you've had brownish-reddish hair that curls in a way my toes curl when you breathe down my neck; leaving a trail of goosebumps. it's quite amazing; isn't it? i was cold and soaked and you just smiled and oh was i warm again; you were the clichéd sun i needed the most at the time. you kept me toasted all day long. i will never ever forger. everytime i spot that green and those greens i will think of you and it will be warm and fuzzy and i will smile myself silly when i get older. you grow up and you changed and you were with me the day we both changed; forever. you stood close the day we left our old lives behind. together we melt and let go.

Fri vers av sofiasv
Läst 192 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-08 15:21

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