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your shiluette. it grows,
with strength, even in
this thick darkness.
it shines, through pain,
and all that sadness.

and when I touch that
beauty, that is you,
I thank the Gods of all
religions, for allowing me
to be, the one, that is

I sculpt you naked.
forming, you every shape,
with the tip of my fingers.
I swollow, your breath,
feel re-born, in
your presence.

we are so far, beyond, it all
that we are all, that is in,

I make you, part of my,
beeing, and we, make
love, with the world,
growing scilent.

Fri vers av m.ricknell
Läst 437 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-14 19:26

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