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Phone calls

Hi baby
I´m sitting here and waiting for You
You told me yesterday
You are coming att seven o´clock
It´s now quarter to seven
And You are not here yet

Where are You honey
I´m missing You
The clock it´s now five past seven
I miss You my dear

Hi sweetheart
I´m sitting here
And getting more and more drunk
I´m on my third whiskey now
What are You doing?
Are You coming soon?

It´s nine o´clock now
And I´m still sitting alone
I´m feeling like an ugly duck
I´m alone
Lonely Lonely
Where are You?

I guess
You are not coming
You are fucking salavan bitch
I´m been waiting for You almost three hours
And You are still not answering me
What happened?

Now it´s almost the midnight
I´ve had done a half bottle off whiskey
And my leggs are not bearing me anymore
You gona have to come and get me
I don´t know

Now it´s twelve o´clock
What kind off whore are You
I´m thinking You have know feelings for me
You know what that meens
Or should I spell it for You
I´m taking the taxi home

Don´t never ever call me

Hi sweetheart
It´s three o´clock on the morning
It´s me and I´m still loving You
And now I´m crying

Fri vers av Miia73
Läst 275 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-26 00:16

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  stenen/ Yv Ericsson
ja se den kärleken..man typ förlåter vad som helst
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