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Words in Italics are lyrics by Alanis Morissette, from the song Sympathetic character (So-called chaos) The end is a bit sudden, but I can't find a better way to end it without re-writing what I already have...

Sympathetic character

Sympathetic character

you touch me
in a way that reaches
beneath my bones
deep under my skin
you crawl

you were my best friend
you were my lover

and my heart stops a bit
my skin starts running
close over my veins

You were my anchor
you were my family
you were my saviour

You say therein lies the problem
and I am frightened to believe
I am stunned by your constant beauty
the honesty you wear
like your innermost skin
your blood and your flesh

I was afraid of your intimidation

I can't stop wondering
what it is that gives your songs that
cosmic energy and intensity
My first impression of you, I can still remember
to me you were and still are God
or the voice of our Mother
I don't feel the need of a Father, Son and Holy Ghost
now that I'm safely embraced
by your music and your voice

You were my very own sympathetic character

I don't know you
but you affect me like my mother does
I love you more than words can say
My chest is so full of love it's close to bursting
and I can't stop smiling

Thank you

Fri vers av Ummm~oh~yeah
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-26 23:12

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