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The title is from Alanis Morissette's Flinch

What are you, my kin? You touch me like you are my kin...

My love has turned mellow
over the years
I sit here and think about
how it used to be
how it changed
and how it is

How I didn't see
not until recently
that my love has changed
it's strong but calmer
it's secure enough to let it be

Perhaps a bit tired, I don't know
but it feels more familiar
safer yet duller
rather like family than love

and sometimes I long for
wanting to undress you
but then I can feel it

A little less intense
but the feeling remains
I love
the way you move your body
the faces you make
when you joke and laugh
How you speak and how you look
at those you love

My love has turned mellow
because I've loved you so long
I no longer need to explore
my sexuality combined with you
my personality compared to yours

My tastes are still influenced
but not as controlled by you
I love myself more than then
I still need you, though,
so please
don't go

My heart still sings for you
but the tune is softer and darker
I love you but I
can walk a mile without you
then calmly walk back
and wait till you
let me in again

Fri vers av Ummm~oh~yeah
Läst 350 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-07-01 13:11

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