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There Is No Spoon

Challenge the shadows
through the mirror at dawn
Conversating with the walls
leave the autopilot on
Microscopic saucers
making patterns on your lawn
Melt your mind like liquid
on the voyage to beyond

Trace the magic seedling
in the orbit of all life
Replace the sunburnt iris
with an eternity of night
Decieve the cosmic guardian
with an enigma of the mind
Talking madly backwards
bending space and time

Interpret the alignments
of the pebbles on the floor
Flourescent crystal starlight
enchants your inner core
Frequencies are calling
through the cellar door
Paralell dimensions
are created out of spores

Visions from your slumber
crawling out their tombs
Your mothership is waiting
on the far side of the moon
Escape the prowling priestess
spreading poisoned fume
And you must always remember;
there is no spoon

Fri vers av tobias wedin
Läst 366 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-13 15:31

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tobias wedin