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This is why I never leave my house
Do we really have to do this dance tonight?
This is why I never trust my instincts
But trust me when I say it's not alright

You're not making this that easy
Or maybe it's just me who's way too weak
I give up, I admit it, I give in
Just pardon me if my outlook is too bleak

You should feel lucky
You're the current object of my affection
You should be grateful
You have front row seats to my adultery

I'm not easy to live with, so enjoy
By this time tomorrow, you're not around
But she will be, so try for some pity
This isn't the first time I've broken her down

You should feel special
You're the current object of my affection
You can sleep easy
You had front row seats to my rock bottom

Fri vers av Kobbe
Läst 254 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-31 00:53

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