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Bring me the scissors
it's time for some cutting
Everything is overgrown
and stinking

I keep falling off the chair
but who's got a choice when
he's been drinking?
Who's got a choice when
he's been thinking of giving in?

Bring me the earplugs
it's high time for healing
The damage might be done
but we can do some salvaging

It's leaking through the cracks
it's leaking into everything
The music that we played
when we were terrified of settling

(I spit in the face of trial and error)

Lo, A reddening iris, liKe AlabasteR!

Fri vers av Kobbe
Läst 338 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-05 21:00

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the damage is done
a new era has begun

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