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love seem to conquer us

My life used to be so simple...
...but now so hard and I can say you're the reason.
Love...don't it always seem to conquer us.
You'll say it's over, but you never leave the door.
You'll say you're done and you'll go,
but you're never gone for long.
" I don't love you no more"...
...but then you're holding me,
loving me like never before.
The best moments in my life...
...morning after we get in to a huge fight.
My heart breaks again, and again into thousand pieces.
It continues, we're never finished.
What is it that you want?
What is it that you desire?
Is this constant fightning putting you on fire?
I had enough.
I love you so much, but my heart can't take it,
I want my life back..
..when it wasn't so damn tough.

Fri vers av Inmemind
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-28 23:36

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