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A woman's essence (på engelska)

Before you start reading this, put things in perspective. It is for the love and care of the woman I have taken the liberty to write this down. Do not be mad of the unknown. I hope by this "Note", you will embrace what you have read and teach this, to whomever you met in your lifetime. Always remember to question, question and question. And do not forget that my truth is not your truth and the other way around.

The West today, wants to shift the woman away from her purity, her chastity, and the holiness which has been bestowed upon her, to Western ideal of life, to lesbianism, to ""How come women can't have multiple husbands?", to "Why can't a woman enjoy sexual liberty before she gets married?", to "Why can't there be a focus on women, like in the West - so that women can be with women, without needing men, and men can be with men, without needing women?" These are very dangerous issues. Does science have anything to say about them?

Regarding the question of the woman, even the American society today admits that women in America have lesser rights. Let me give you a clear example: When a woman gets married, she adopts her husband's surname, and gives up her maiden name. If she marries so-and-so, she becomes Mrs. So-and-so. She is attributed to him.

Before the scientific revolution, and before there were machines, the woman would be a slave to her husband. She had no rights whatsoever. This was less than 250 years ago. The situation developed when women were needed to help the men in modern life. Consequently, women progressed in many aspects, but not with regard to the need to give up their maiden names. Secondly, women in America are exploited as merchandise. Women are viewed as merchandise. If a woman is pretty, she has a certain price and status in society. Even at university level, a professor will give a beautiful girl better grades than a plain one (this will most certainly occur). In ads, a girl with a nicer body (preferably a skinny one) will fetch a higher price etc...

When a woman has sex with more than one man, it causes her a medical problem, because it weakens her immune system. How exactly? Well, when a woman has sex with more than one man... When she has sex with the first man, her body tries to determine the identity of the man's sperm.

There is a process of identification, and the sperm is registered in her body. It is like when a person enters somebody's home, he is identified, and something like an "identity card" is prepared... This man now has a special place. This process is conducted by the immune system. It is like when a man works for a certain company, the company makes a great effort to get to know who the person is, and to place him in the right post. After a while, the woman's body easily identifies that man's sperm, which has become part of the woman. Along comes another man and has sex with her.

Now, the immune system must go over the entire process again. The immune system undergoes much effort in the identification of the new guy. It is even more difficult when there are two men at the same time. These girls do that. They have one, two, or three lovers, plus a boyfriend. He may not even be a close friend, but she still has sex with him. This wears out the system!

From having to conduct too many "identification processes...

It is busy with identification all the time as a result of all these sexual encounters. When the woman reaches her thirties or forties, after 15 years of (sex), she begins to develop breast cancer and uterine cancer, which are very common in the West.

What is the reason for this? Again, the sexual contacts cause the woman's immune system to crash or to weaken.

Fri vers av The Third Poet
Läst 307 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-08 23:30

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