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Bilden: Fullversion finns på Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_religious_groups

Aforism: De Sju Världsreligionerna över de Sju Världshaven


Alla religioner handlar om ett fredsbudskap
de som tar till våld är inte religiösa ledare
utan generaler under ledning av landets politiska styrande
Krig är inte religion utan politik

LPWJ 28/03/11

(Räknat i miljoner, läs gärna vidare om Bahá'í, den "senaste" av de som följer traditionen efter Abraham) http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahá'í


Christianity 2,000–2,200 Mil. (Abrahamic religions)

Islam 1,570–1,650 Mil. (Abrahamic religions)

Buddhism 400–1,500 Mil. (Indian religions)

Hinduism 828–1,000 Mil. (Indian religions)

African, Asian, American Folk religions 600? Mil. (Folk religions)

Chinese Folk religions (including Taoism and Confucianism) 400? Mil. (Chinese Religions)

Shinto 27–65 Mil. (Japanese Religions)

Sikhism 24–28 Mil. (Indian religions)

Judaism 14–18 Mil. (Abrahamic religions)

Jainism 6–12 Mil. (Indian religions)

Bahá'í Faith 7.6–7.9 Mil. (Abrahamic religions)

Cao Dai 1–8 Mil. (Vietnamese Religions)

Cheondoism 3 Mil. (Korean Religions)

Tenrikyo 2 Mil. (Japanese Religions)

Wicca 1 Mil. (New Religious Movements)

Church of World Messianity 1 Mil. (Japanese Religions)

Seicho-no-Ie 0.8 Mil. (Japanese Religions)

Rastafari movement 0.7 Mil. (New religious movements, Abrahamic religions)

Unitarian Universalism 0.63 Mil. (New religious movements)


The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim, ethical code, or morality  that essentially states either of the following:
*One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive form)
**One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (negative/prohibitive form, also called the Silver Rule)

The Golden Rule is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others. A key element of the Golden Rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people with consideration, not just members of his or her in-group. The Golden Rule has its roots in a wide range of world cultures, and is a standard which different cultures use to resolve conflicts.

The Golden Rule has a long history, and a great number of prominent religious figures and philosophers have restated its reciprocal, bilateral nature in various ways (not limited to the above forms). As a concept, the Golden Rule has a history that long predates the term "Golden Rule" (or "Golden law", as it was called from the 1670s). The ethic of reciprocity was present in certain forms in the philosophies of ancient Babylon, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, Judea, and China.

Examples of statements that mirror the Golden Rule appear in Ancient Egypt, for example in the story of The Eloquent Peasant which is dated to the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2040–1650 BCE): "Now this is the command: Do to the doer to cause that he do." Rushworth Kidder states that "the label 'golden' was applied by Confucius (551–479 B.C.), who wrote a version of the Silver Rule: 'Here certainly is the golden maxim: Do not do to others that which we do not want them to do to us.'" Kidder notes that this framework appears prominently in many religions, including "Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, and the rest of the world's major religions".

- Wikipedia



aforismer 2011

Övriga genrer (Aforism) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 3947 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-29 05:38

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