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she just laughed and said that she didn't want to she just never wants to damn

Why It's Best Not to Ask Me Why I'm Cutting Up Every Picture of You Ever Taken

I beat a narrow path for you
so why won't you just walk it?
I wore my heart on my sleeve
so honey, why'd you have to stomp on it?

I wrote you a bullshit epic poem
and still you call me shallow and mean
I'd offer up a thousand limericks
but then you'd just call me filthy and obscene

I slapped you hard, just once or twice
when you said you liked it rough
you bit down hard on my poor tongue
but I'm not into that sick stuff

I tried to get you drunk and loose
and yet now I'm the one swaying
I let you in on all my dirty little secrets
and now I can hear sirens wailing

I worked, I toiled, I slaved and laboured
for another whiff of your honest-to-God perfect breath
but your name, it was always Woman
and your game was always death

Fri vers av Kobbe
Läst 270 gånger och applåderad av 13 personer
Publicerad 2011-08-19 02:20

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