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2 sept 2011, om Ny M.

A pretty poem

This is a poem I won't show anyone,
it screams out all my insecurities,
my fears and errors,

it's about my slightly crooked nose,
my less than perfect skin,
my hair which has gone wild
and my short stumps of legs,

it's about how I'm never going to be
THAT girl,
the one that turns everybody's head around
- your head around -
and make them (you) smile,

it's about how much I really want that,
the superficial, the unattainable,
to be THAT girl which makes them fall
- the one who makes you fall -
without them (you) ever reaching the bottom,

it's about how pretty I want to be but how
little beauty I see I behold,
so I cannot show this to anyone - to you -
because I don't want them (you) to lie or
to tell me: "you're pretty on the inside".


Fri vers (Fri form) av Carin
Läst 654 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-09-03 10:42

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