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Texten på engelska, den svenska texten "Himlen är vårt val"

Heaven is our choice

We shall all be forgiven in tears and joy
Forbidden love from two diffrent worlds ends with a shot

We must die so that God will let us be together
We shall meet again

It will always be us in tears and joy
With the pain in my heart I must say we have to die

Close your eyes and feel my love
My love that is ment for you

All the pain

All the sorrow

All the misery

That people brought to us will be gone
Our souls are clean like red roses in our hearts

Forbidden love costs more than a thousand lifes

No one understands how love between two diffrent worlds can be so beautiful and wonderful

Close your eyes honey
Feel my skin in touch of yours

All emotions floating around in our bodies when we gave each other a last goodbye kiss that must be true

So God can bring us together and give us a future together

Close your eyes honey
Dry these tears

We will die with tears of joy in our eyes but with a smile on our lips because we both know that we will meet again

So honey, give me my last kiss before we meet again in heaven with wings of a butterfly

Fri vers av coleve
Läst 376 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-11-09 19:01

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