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Ett test, ny utmaning. det skulle vara inspirerat av "The Raven" (EA Poe) och ha temata: velvet darkness, snow in hair och pre dawn.

The Challenge

As I beheld her wicked smile
my thoughts occupied
with her wits, tricks, wiles and guile
I could not help but notice
her bosom beneath the bodice

Her bodice barely tied
I was distracted but I tried
to focus on the danger her promises implied
All attempts were in vain
as I saw her pulsing vein

That vein upon her chest
faintly beating, like her heart beneath the breast
and I had to close my eyes as I realised this
was a test
a test of my integrity
a test to see

see that beast within released
the thirst slaked, the hunter pleased
the preys heart in crimson claws seized
So I averted my hungry eyes
and left her, her eyes wide in suprise

Suprised that I could walk away
but I must not, cannot, will not sway
will not waver , not one minute, not this day
I will walk my road alone
until all that´s left is bone

Bone and ashes before the sun
when it rises, I will be gone
I long for it, I do not walk, I run
towards that winter sunrise
the last I will see
with my velvet eyes

Fri vers av Shininkagemusha
Läst 352 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-29 15:45

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en sån där text man vill kunna utantill så man kan gå å mumla den när man är på bra humör för att den smakar så satans bra i munnen!

  Staffan Welroos VIP
Mmm, The ravenrytmen strålar igenom... Mycket bra text denna!
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