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Words have weight


Daesh, I will call you
Daesh, and more
Come cut out my tongue you Dogs of War
Come join your brethren of another colour
Your fellows with another creed
but the same

For there are not as many of you as there are of us
and your violent tribes should meet in the middle
shake hands
thank each other
while the rest of us, we who are many
let you scar and kill and maim and scare
until you are all afraid enough that you see
the consequence of your actions

Scum, I will call you
Scum, and more
Come, tell me I am naïve and politically correct
Come join your brethren with a colour you despise
Your fellows with another creed
but the same

Fri vers av Shininkagemusha
Läst 382 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-11-14 23:54

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