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Contradicting happiness

Handsome weather,
For a sprint of time
It doesn't matter,
As long as this time's mine,
In a world of fees,
In the world of no freebies,
I would enjoy the breeze,
Without needing seas,
Of freedom,

I'm shamed by my own free will,
Of the opportunities I'm needing,
I can't leave em,
But still,
I'm plus minus nill,
Not sad right now,
I'm at the top of my hill,
I'm enjoying these moments,
And yet I'm still,
Missing something,

I don't know what,
Maybe freedom,
Maybe not,
Enjoying life,
As long as I've stopped,
Fuming of anger,
Breaking down,
I don't wanna feel lost,
I wanna be content,
Without a frown,
Wanna enjoy life,
In a slightly dead town,
I wanna face the fact,
That's it's really quite sound,
Although not ideal,
It's the best I've found,
For a while,

Right now at this moment,
I should let my dream just stew,
Till the day I get away,
To a place that's new,

Then I can say I've enjoyed,
The time in-between,
In this slightly alive town,
Where it's hard to dream,
Enjoy boredom as,
A right of passage,
It's reality,

Freedom isn't a package,
It's a way to bypass depravity,
It's intensely overrated,
But at the same time not,
It's a goal so distant,
That very few have got,
It's what I enjoy,
And to some extent have,
Take a second look,
My life's not that bad,
But not really good,
In some ways decent,
There's a problem with this,
Some will never have,

It this good,

But for my own sanity,
I really should,
Stop thinking,
Not caring,
But loose the collective guilt,
That I'm wearing,
For the society,
We keep sharing.

Fri vers av The intellectual moron
Läst 320 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-01 00:23

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The intellectual moron